Would you like to work with your Human Design to decondition? Every one of us is unique; we all have ways that our energy naturally works. We also have been told not to do things in the way that is natural for us. Each month we go through a different part of the chart, deconditioning from the ways we picked up that are not ours; working with our own natural super powers instead.
Deconditioning with Human Design Monthly Membership
Now that you have seen your chart, would you like to dive in and understand what it all means?
Our chart is like a circuit board; it shows us where our energy flows and what we have consistent access to. It also shows us how we interact with others; how best to make decisions, both small and big.
Human Design is a manual for yourself. It shows you where you are acting from conditioning, which is called the not-self, and where you are in alignment. We are all unique and have our own way of doing things and being in this world. When we are in alignment, things flow, and when we are acting as our not-self, the world is difficult to be in.
We have all been conditioned by others throughout our life, from our parents, to peers, to society as a whole. HD shows us how to decondition and let go of others` beliefs and ways of being that are not us. It shows us areas in our life that we are not being true to ourselves.
When we are true to who we are, it’s like a beautiful tapestry; our threads flows and creates a masterpiece.
What you learn from HD in the membership:
Validation of all the amazing things you know about yourself but others told you to be different.
Living your design- Tools and tips to do every week to make it easy.
Little by little going over your chart in an easy to understand format
Relationships - How to interact in a more positive way with others. Why others respond the way they do with you.
Deconditioning - Seeing where you are not in alignment with your authentic self. Giving you exercises and experiments to work on to help you work through your shadow wounds.
How amazing you are just by being yourself.
I invite you to join me in a monthly membership were we go through the chart and decondition. You will find the validation you are seeking and see the areas in your life that you need to let go of conditioning. Conditioning is where others taught us to be different than who we are. Together, we will take off the layers of conditioning, like clothes that never fit or felt right in the first place. Embracing your own super powers ( hint you probably don’t realize how amazing they are because you have them all your life). I will show you how to work with these superpowers and find satiation and bliss in your life.
Each week there will be homework assignments or exercises that will fun and challenging, Designed to help you to let go of what is not working and embrace what is.
Are you ready to go down the rabbit hole of your own being, finding the depths and love that are within?
When you first access the membership, there are pages for each type explaining how your type works, along with your aura and strategy. There are also exercises for you to work with to realign to the gifts that each type has.
From there you can look at your authority and profiles too.
Each week I will be giving you an exercise that you can go over in your chart. I will show you how to work through this area, helping you gain valuable insight. From there you can work with this information throughout the week looking at how it effects your life.