Hello lovely soul! Thank you for taking a moment to learn about me.

What I can’t live without: My spirituality and trees

Favorite Shows: Hallmark Christmas Movies and NFL

Favorite Food /Drink: Crepes and peppermint tea

Human Design: I am a 1/3 Emotional Manifestor

My passion is to help others with the tools, knowledge, and the gifts that I have developed over the years.  I have been in the dark days of the soul, and I am now living my life in light and joy.  I would love to show you the tools needed to go deep within and change your own life.  Allowing you to live your life with authenticity and with deep love.  

Through the first part of my life, I struggled, I wanted so much to be loved and to fit in and felt like I was not good enough. I have been in abusive relationship, and tried so very hard to be what I thought everyone else wanted.  

I have always had the ability to communicate with guides and spirits. There was a time in my life where this scared me and made me feel even more as an outcast.  I looked for answers about what this meant, but without the tools or knowledge to deal with my emotions, I felt completely lost. I was looking for ways to control situations I was in because everything felt out of control. I thought by controlling my thoughts and negative feelings, that they would eventually go away. Predictably, nothing changed.

My patterns of behavior were no longer serving me, but I did not know any other way to live.

I began my journey to healing the wounds within and rediscovering who I truly am.  I started with Reiki and learned how to ask for help from my guides to receive invaluable direction to my life. Reiki allowed me to clear away the blocked energy in my body and mind. It did not happen overnight, and there was a lot of work involved on my part, but through Reiki and the direction of my guides, I was able to shift the negativity in my life. Learning new patterns and ways of being brought me joy and peace. I left my abusive husband and started my journey to becoming a Reiki master. There is no doubt in my mind that Reiki and my guides saved my life. 

In this, I felt like I had found my calling. I started offering soul readings to clients in which I connect with other people's souls and guides to help them overcome their own pain. My work was only beginning.  

The Rose Priestess training taught me to go even deeper within.  It teaches us how to cultivate self love, worth, and belief, allowing us to transform our lives inwardly as well as outwardly.

Today, I am a Reiki Master, hypnotist, and a High Rose Priestess and give guided meditations. I want to help others find their own paths to live healthier, more fulfilled lives. We all have things we are dealing with and struggles in our life. I can help you ask for and receive help from your guides and angels to get to the source of your suffering and shift it.

You are not alone, and you don't need to suffer. Through Reiki and guided mediations, I can help you let go of past traumas that are held in your mind and body, thereby freeing up the space to let new patterns in.

I can show you the tools that helped me get to where I am today. I have been exactly where you are right now. Everything limiting you in this moment can be used as a tool for your divine healing. New patterns and ways of being can allow joy and peace to replace the anxiety, worry, and sadness in your soul. I will show you step-by-step how to get from where you are now to where your spirit deserves to be. Happiness and fulfillment are your birthright.

Today, I live a happy life with a wonderful husband and dogs. I'm blessed with a strong, close-knit community of friends. My beloved guides and the practices I've learned over the years are present in everything I do.

It would be my honor to help you to create a life filled with self love, trust, and belief. I can teach you the tools to improve your life step by step to find the peace and joy you have been longing for.

