T-Rex as a Spirit Animal

T. rex has come to me for Almost a year.  When most of think of the T-rex we think of how scary she is, we think of what hollywood has shown us about T-Rex.  Rex comes from the Latin king.  When she first came to me, I thought the same thing.  I was confused on why she was coming to me a spirit animal.  

She came to me first in a dream where I could hear her roaring and going in the same direction as me.  Then I started seeing her everywhere, letting me know that she is here to help me.  When spirit animals come to us in this way they are coming to us strongly letting us know over and over, yes I am here, yes I am here to guide you.  She has helped me in such astonishing ways throughout this past year.  

When I did research about her, there is not much about her as a spirit animal.  There is only a small post by the amazing Martha Beck explaining how the T rex came to her.  In some ways it was a very different experience then mine.  

I meditated with her and she showed me herself as a mother.  She showed me that she is a loving parent and has created a nest of the ground.  That is a loving and caring parent, who protects her young and teaches them how to survive and how to live as a Trex.   She has shown me the mother wound and how to transform it by mothering myself.  

She showed me there is so much love in all of nature even the parts we find scary. This is one of the two main reasons I believe she came to me.  That I needed to understand this and not be afraid of this part of nature.  In nature there is violence that has a purpose.  The act of the prey finding and eating the predator.  The need to this for survival.  The need to protect ones territory to have boundaries.  That this is done first with knowing what and where our boundaries are.  Then by giving warnings to those that come close.  Finally that forcefulness is only used as a last resort to protect oneself.  All animals give several warning signs to tell others to back off before they strike.  Force is only used as the very last alternative.  Animals give us many signs whether we are aware of them or not to back off.  Our boundaries are important as it establishes what we are willing to allow and what we are not.  It not only keeps us safe by it allows shows self love and self worth.  All of us have things that we refuse to tolerate so that we may live in peace.      

She has shown me that every one wants to be heard, loved and seen.  The T-rex showed me that it's important for all of us to be heard and seen.  Its important for those of that look different or feel different to still be heard and acknowledged for we are all part of this earth.  

She has shown me where as a manifestor in human design I have been perceived as scary.  And where I have been trained to not be myself in hopes others don’t find me frightening.  This is the other main reasons I believe she has come to help me.  She has shown me so much about how others preserve my energy.  As a manifestor my aura makes way for me to come through a crowd easily, it also attracts those to me that I am meant to be with or to help.  The T-rex has this as well, when a T-rex enters a space everyone knows it and all eyes go to her.  What is thinking, what are her motives and intentions.  She has helped me to understand why informing is so important.  Why people react to me the way that they do, both lovingly and moving away from me.  She has helped me to understand my gates and channels in rulership and my projector gates.  She has really been a guide for me through understanding myself on this very deep level.  Showing me where I have needed to look at my shadow and where I am in alignment.  She has shown me how I was conditioned to act and react not like myself but like another.  T-rex has been absolutely vital to helping me to understand myself on such a deep and profound level.  

T-rex showed me how to see and understand the past, that which is extinct and that which is dying.  There are times we can hang on to that which is already gone, that which is extinct and try to recreate it.  Both from a sense of love and desire and from a sense of conditioning.  We go through so many stages in our life as we grow and evolve mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.  The way we saw things several years ago may not be the way we seem them now.  Those parts of us or those parts of our life are extinct.  We can see this and acknowledge this without trying to recreate it or without poking at a wound that is no longer there.  As we heal we may expect wounds to be there that we have fully transformed.  We are so use to those wounds being there that we expect to see them.  We may lash out at someone in a way that we are use to or brace for an impact that never comes.  Those wounds have been healed and are extinct but we keep expecting them to be there.  In the contrary there are things we may have use to love or people we enjoyed being with that are no longer in our lives.  We may trying to recreate this and trying to bring something back to life that is extinct.  By honoring what we had, thanking it and moving on acknowledging the change that has taken place we are then able to bring in another level of transformation.  Much like the animals that went extinct but others evolve from them.  


Mimicking Our Parents


Forgiving Yourself and Others