Forgiving Yourself and Others

Forgiveness is NOT about the other person or saying what they did was okay.

Forgiveness is about you no longer holding on to the pain.  It is about you no longer taking the poison of the hatred and pain hoping the other person feels it.  The other person may or may not be aware of the pain we have, even if they are you holding on to it is not hurting them its only hurting yourself.  So it is like you are taking the poison not them, you are hurting yourself your not hurting them.  

What the person did or said to you hurt you and its time to let go of this hurt, not for them but for you.  

Forgive and forgive yourself.  There are times we have unforgiveness for ourselves as well.  Thinking we could have done things better or holding on to pain for something we did to another or ourselves.  Holding on to this does not change the past or help us to do things differently and more filled with love in the future.  We need to forgive ourselves for the situation, understand why we acted the way we need and heal the wounds that triggered this action.  

There may also be times that we don’t even realize we are hanging on to pain and needing to forgive until an event shows us that we are holding on to a situation.  This happens when we are in the spiral of constantly working on ourselves and looking at our own wounds.  This happens naturally as we look within ourselves.  Old wounds, patterns and events come back to us so we can see them and heal them.  I realized it in a dream I had last night.  I had not forgiven an old friend from high school.  The weight that was lifted from the forgiveness surprised me.  I didn’t even realize I was carrying this within me.  

I invite you to go through every age in your life and forgive yourself and those around you.  Just see yourself as a toddler, teenager, 20s and so forth.  Simply say I forgive you and those people that come to your mind that you were around at that time ❤️🙏🏻 Repeat as needed!


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