Balancing during difficult times
If you are feeling great shifts right now in your life, in your energy or around you. Remember that we are spiritual beings living in a physical world. It's important to honor both of these. Many are feeling the physical shifts as more spiritual awakening is happening.
What does this mean anyway, spiritual awakening? It means that we personally and as a collective are becoming more intune with our souls and with the spiritual world around us. If you are reading this you are probably feeling these shifts in your physical body.
Yes there are new waves and new ways of being coming in, but this is not new it's just more intense and it might seem new to those that have never experienced this before. As a planet and a human race, the animals and everything on this earth have experienced many cycles of growth and death and rebirth again. Meaning that we are in a constant spiral and have been since the universe existed.
We are constantly evolving not only in our minds and body but also spiritually.
Right now, our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual parts of ourselves are balancing.
As within so without, as without so within. It might seem like turmoil at times, it might feel like an illness or different things are happening within our bodies. It's all okay and it's all part of the cycle. Think of the awkwardness of being a teenager and how your body was changing, how so many things in your life were changing and the way you saw the world was changing. Your emotions may have seemed out of control and swinging one way and then the other.
Do you remember high school and how it might have seemed like a friend you had your whole life was now completely different? How people were questioning things they long were told was true?
That is what is happening with a lot of us right now that is what is meant by the word awakening. We question things, we see things differently, our bodies change, our hearts may change or you may feel more protective over what you know to be right for you.
So what can you do about this if you are experiencing this and are feeling confused or wanting desperately for things to change?
Center yourself, ground into your body. Acknowledge the awkwardness, embrace it. Question things, feel into things, whatever pops up for you is all sacred and is all there for a reason.
Allow others to go through this process as well. If you don’t align with their way of being it means that it’s time for you to look at who you want in your life. What do you want to contribute now to this world and to yourself, to your family?
Focus on yourself, your little world that you have created. All those in your circle, and what is around you. Send love where you feel drawn to, and where you feel hatred from see where hatred lies within you and shift it.
Honor the physical and the spiritual within yourself. Give both of these parts of you equal love and attention. Look at your mental, emotional and physical state. What needs the most attention, what needs to be balanced?