Giving and Receiving

When we doubt ourselves and we feel that we are not good enough to receive our desires we block the natural flow of the universe.  We block ourselves and others around us of their natural flow.  We are meant to give and receive just like the infinity sign.  When we let self doubt keep us from doing our job of receiving it blocks the middle and the other half of the sign from moving.  Part of our job here on earth is to receive and allow the natural progression of the flow and of life.  

Another analogy I see is dominos.  We are all lined up ready to fall into our rightful place to receive the joys of falling, falling in love, falling into our next phase ect.  When we allow our mind and ego to let doubts in and say wait, am I good enough for this?  Do I deserve this?  What about the person next to me they want to receive as well.  If we choose not to receive and instead try to hold up the world around us we are keeping the natural flow going.  So ourselves and those around us are blocked as well.  

This does not mean that you are responsible for other people receiving or giving, it means that you are responsible for allowing yourself to receive and give, and in a way that brings fulfillment to you.  If you are giving or receiving something that does not feel right for you, that at your core feels unsettling or off.  Then you are out of the flow.  

So how do we get into the flow?  By allowing ourselves to receive what we actually want and by allowing ourselves to give to others only that which we want to.  

We also get into the flow by allowing ourselves to receive, this has been a hard one for me.  I have felt in the past that by allowing myself to receive what someone is giving me I am somehow taking more than my share, or why should I let them help me when I can do it myself.  

The truth is, when I allow them to help me or to give to me, I am allowing the flow between both of us, they are choosing to give and if I say no I am stopping the flow as in the infinity sign example.

When I say yes, it feels so much better for not only myself but for the other person.


Processing Emotions


Balancing during difficult times